Coral Springs Final Video
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Keep reading our blogs because tomorrow you're in for a real treat! The interview with Dj Irie will be posted!
Ashley :]
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ashley's Corner
*you can see the picture bigger if you choose by right clicking and pressing either open in new tab or open in new window*
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Joeyism's Blogism
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Proud SADD Member Adrienne
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ashley's Corner

An article posted in our school newspaper, Charter Chapters! It's so exciting that our school gets a chance to read about our team at their own convinience. :] Thank-you to Ashley Wright who wrote the awesome article and thank-you to the newspaper staff who gave us the spot in the paper. The team appreciates the work put in by them.
In other exciting news, we're planning on visiting a local police station and hospital to talk with the staff. It will surely be interesting to hear the opinions and views of those who were not in the accident but were there to help those who were in it. Most people hear from the person in the accident about how they felt, but it will be a new experience for everyone to hear from police and hospital workers who help to save lives from severe crashes caused by reckless teen driving. A car crash impacts everyone in many different ways and we are going out and seeing a new point of view.
Stay safe and live your life,
Ashley :]
*To see the image better, right click on it and select to either open it in a new tab or a new window*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Way to Go Team!

As affrimed by Peter Drucker, "The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we"; they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ashley's Corner
As for me, I need to "hit-the-hay" and catch some Z's!!
Goodnight all,
Ashley ZzZzZz
Monday, April 6, 2009
Joeyism here! Finally some computer time! Amen! I've been out and about every day! The beach has become my home during this spring break! And i can't wait for some more of it! (Yes, I am partially burnt, but am not hurting ;)
Although we are living out each day better then the last it is still a MUST to be safe, happy, and healthy, which you can never put on a break! Heres a subject that isn't much talked about but is important to safe teen driving, The other night my dad and I were on the road driving in his car, when the dashboard lit up with a red flashing symbol, the engine was about to over-heat; just our luck! We were far away from home, so we took matter into our own hands, we pulled the car over to the side were it could not interfiere with any oncoming traffic, always be on the look out for that! SAFETY FIRST! We then let the car rest for a bit. At a second attempt to restart the car, we decided it would be SMART not to take any chances with fate. We left the car parked near the closest restaurant where it would be out of the way, and near a place were it is noticable. We called up my step-mom and she so kindly drove and picked us up. We left a note on the car, "Car trouble, toh-truck on monday" and we safetly rode home with my step-mom. The importance for safety and being aware what to do during car trouble is manditory, and now that our cars our being used more during break, a few of us are bound to have a flat tire, broken down car, or ENGINE TROUBLE.
im off to the bed, beach in the morning, AGAIN yay
Joeyism signing out in 5....4....3....2....1... *tanning in my sleep*
Ashley's Corner
It is the first day of Spring Break! The beach is calling, the school-books are being put down for a rest, and all the students are ready for some relaxation and fun with friends. However, as much fun as this time may be, it is also a risky time of the year. A lot of people go on road-trips to visit family, or just have fun somewhere farther from home. Driving to-and-from places has small risks, and driving for hours at a time has even more. Being out on the road for long periods of time is dangerous because you risk boredom at the wheel, drowsiness from driving for too long, and the weather and other drivers on the road cause danger too. Rain will make the roads slippery, and if it's thick enough the driver will need their headlights and tailights on as well as the wind-shield wipers but driving in thick rain is risky since the road is sometimes harder to see. Other drivers are dangerous for the same reasons, you may be doing fine while driving but if someone else isn't they could cause a potential crash which could harm you and others on the road. For those that are going away make sure you're careful out there! Have a wonderful spring break and make it ten times greater by using safe driving methods. No one wants to spend their spring break in the hospital...
Ashley B)