Coral Springs Final Video

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Coral Springs Community Leader

Scott Brook, the Mayor of the City of Coral Springs is the Community Leader representative for CSC-SADD. As declared by Mayor Brook, “I’m very proud of the SADD students of Coral Springs Charter for wanting to keep the city safe for all & for being role models for the community. “

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ashley's Corner

We stood outside with informative signs to show the public.

Here is Dahlia, Joey and I with Jawan on the couch of Focus on South Florida.

At the 8th graders semi-formal we had a designated area for our "Impaired Driving" activity. Students had the opportunity to drive on the Wii MarioKart with vision distorting goggles that gave them the sight of what one would have while driving under the influence.

We wrote on the sidewalks information for the students to view and learn from on their way into the school. In the picture "Buckle Up!" is being written.

Ashley's Corner

These are the photos are from when we went to the Police and Fire Deparment Headquarters.

Ashley's Corner

We are in preparation for our Ghost Out on May 6. These are two pictures from what we have so far. I video will eventually be posted on the youtube and hopefully the blog. :] At the top you see four people in mourning over the loss of their dear friend. In the bottom photo you see the victim as her car is about to be struck by a drunk driver. The whole skit will be very intense and meaningful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coral Springs Charter Panthers: Joining together to raise funds for Kids In Distress.

As affirmed by Vince Lombardi, Build for your team a feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another and of strength to be derived by unity.”

Today, the CSC Panthers had a Jeans Day to raise funds for Kids in Distress. Kids in Distress is a community-supported agency providing services for the prevention and treatment of child abuse in South Florida. KID’s programs offer a continuum of care and essential services to child victims and children and families at risk for abuse and neglect.

Thanks to all the Panthers for their support of a valuable community agency.