Coral Springs Final Video
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Coral Springs Community Leader
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Ashley's Corner

Here is Dahlia, Joey and I with Jawan on the couch of Focus on South Florida.
Ashley's Corner

Friday, May 1, 2009
Coral Springs Charter Panthers: Joining together to raise funds for Kids In Distress.
Today, the CSC Panthers had a Jeans Day to raise funds for Kids in Distress. Kids in Distress is a community-supported agency providing services for the prevention and treatment of child abuse in South Florida. KID’s programs offer a continuum of care and essential services to child victims and children and families at risk for abuse and neglect.
Thanks to all the Panthers for their support of a valuable community agency.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Keep reading our blogs because tomorrow you're in for a real treat! The interview with Dj Irie will be posted!
Ashley :]
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ashley's Corner
*you can see the picture bigger if you choose by right clicking and pressing either open in new tab or open in new window*
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Joeyism's Blogism
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Proud SADD Member Adrienne
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ashley's Corner

An article posted in our school newspaper, Charter Chapters! It's so exciting that our school gets a chance to read about our team at their own convinience. :] Thank-you to Ashley Wright who wrote the awesome article and thank-you to the newspaper staff who gave us the spot in the paper. The team appreciates the work put in by them.
In other exciting news, we're planning on visiting a local police station and hospital to talk with the staff. It will surely be interesting to hear the opinions and views of those who were not in the accident but were there to help those who were in it. Most people hear from the person in the accident about how they felt, but it will be a new experience for everyone to hear from police and hospital workers who help to save lives from severe crashes caused by reckless teen driving. A car crash impacts everyone in many different ways and we are going out and seeing a new point of view.
Stay safe and live your life,
Ashley :]
*To see the image better, right click on it and select to either open it in a new tab or a new window*
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Way to Go Team!

As affrimed by Peter Drucker, "The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say "I." And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say "I." They don't think "I." They think "we"; they think "team." They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but "we" gets the credit. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done."
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ashley's Corner
As for me, I need to "hit-the-hay" and catch some Z's!!
Goodnight all,
Ashley ZzZzZz
Monday, April 6, 2009
Joeyism here! Finally some computer time! Amen! I've been out and about every day! The beach has become my home during this spring break! And i can't wait for some more of it! (Yes, I am partially burnt, but am not hurting ;)
Although we are living out each day better then the last it is still a MUST to be safe, happy, and healthy, which you can never put on a break! Heres a subject that isn't much talked about but is important to safe teen driving, The other night my dad and I were on the road driving in his car, when the dashboard lit up with a red flashing symbol, the engine was about to over-heat; just our luck! We were far away from home, so we took matter into our own hands, we pulled the car over to the side were it could not interfiere with any oncoming traffic, always be on the look out for that! SAFETY FIRST! We then let the car rest for a bit. At a second attempt to restart the car, we decided it would be SMART not to take any chances with fate. We left the car parked near the closest restaurant where it would be out of the way, and near a place were it is noticable. We called up my step-mom and she so kindly drove and picked us up. We left a note on the car, "Car trouble, toh-truck on monday" and we safetly rode home with my step-mom. The importance for safety and being aware what to do during car trouble is manditory, and now that our cars our being used more during break, a few of us are bound to have a flat tire, broken down car, or ENGINE TROUBLE.
im off to the bed, beach in the morning, AGAIN yay
Joeyism signing out in 5....4....3....2....1... *tanning in my sleep*
Ashley's Corner
It is the first day of Spring Break! The beach is calling, the school-books are being put down for a rest, and all the students are ready for some relaxation and fun with friends. However, as much fun as this time may be, it is also a risky time of the year. A lot of people go on road-trips to visit family, or just have fun somewhere farther from home. Driving to-and-from places has small risks, and driving for hours at a time has even more. Being out on the road for long periods of time is dangerous because you risk boredom at the wheel, drowsiness from driving for too long, and the weather and other drivers on the road cause danger too. Rain will make the roads slippery, and if it's thick enough the driver will need their headlights and tailights on as well as the wind-shield wipers but driving in thick rain is risky since the road is sometimes harder to see. Other drivers are dangerous for the same reasons, you may be doing fine while driving but if someone else isn't they could cause a potential crash which could harm you and others on the road. For those that are going away make sure you're careful out there! Have a wonderful spring break and make it ten times greater by using safe driving methods. No one wants to spend their spring break in the hospital...
Ashley B)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Tomorrow at Student Faculty Basketball Game, the Act Out Loud crew is hosting a pledge drive in honor of safe teen driving. The game should be oh so very intense, and before, after, and during half-time the people there to watch or play will be able to get information from us about safe driving. This will not only be a benefit to us, but a benefit to our school because they will be learning about safe teen driving and making a pledge to commit to that. It's a benefit to our organization because we are making our school more aware and any other people such as, their parents and relatives who attend the event.
We'll be video-tape it and then I'll be able to work my editing magic and put the video(s) on our SADD Act Out Loud youtube account:
If you own a youtube account, feel free to send us a friends request :] and be sure to subscribe so you can get updates on when we post videos.
Finish of blog-9:56pm
Ps. I will NOT be blogging tomorrow night being that it is the day that a big, terrible virus is predicted to do major damage. I'm going to try to keep my computer safe and sound and I advize others do the same. :]
Joeyisms Bloggism
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Today my little blurb is about why I think Florida has these laws for young drivers.
The process before getting a full license is very important. I think that getting a Learner's License is beneficial since the rules enforce the teen to get accostumed to the car while driving. By having an adult of over 21 years of age, it makes the process safer. The Operator's License is similar to a full license but still has the rules like only being allowed to drive from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The individual is slowly getting prepared for driving with a full license. I agree with the rule of having the learners lisence for at least 12 months without any traffic convictions because it helps to keep things safe. It could and most likely would be more dangerous for our roads to have someone with a full time lisence who couldn't stay safe with a learner's or operator's license.
The most important factor in all of this, I believe, is keeping our roads, pedestrians, teens, and veteran driver's safe and sound.
I for one am definately more comfortable knowing that these rules are enforced.
Hoppin' off to bed,
Ashley :]
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Florida Graduated Driver's License
Florida teen drivers must progress through three licensing stages:
Learner's License, Operational License, and Full License.
To obtain a Learner's License: the driver must do all of the following:be at least 15 years old;
provide a Social Security Number; show proof of completion of a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course, or a license from another state, county, or jurisdiction;
have a legal guardian sign the Parental Consent Form in the presence of the driver license examiner; and pass the required written test covering road rules and signs, a hearing test, and a vision test.
The holder of a Learner's License may not drive alone, regardless of age, and if under 18, must hold the license for 12 months before advancing to the next stage. The driver is restricted from driving after dark for the first three months, and after 10 p.m. from months 4-12.
The next stage of licensing is the Operator's License.
To receive an Operator's License, the driver must:be 16- to 17-years-old;
have held a Learner's License for at least 12 months without any traffic convictions;
show parent or guardian certification that the driver has had at least 50 hours of experience behind the wheel, 10 of which must have been at night; successfully perform a behind the wheel test in the presence of the driver license examiner. The 12-month requirement above starts over at any point the driver receives a traffic conviction on their record.
Drivers with an Operator's License, who are 16-years-old, may only drive between the hours of 6 a.m. and 11 p.m., with two exceptions. If the driver is going to and from work, or has a licensed driver who at least 21-years-old in the front passenger seat, he or she may driver outside the restricted times.
Drivers with an Operator's License, who are 17-years-old, are restricted from driving between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m., with the two exceptions listed above.
The Full License is the end goal for young drivers. Once a driver reaches age 18, they may apply for a Full License. For those already holding an Operational License, the driving restrictions will merely fall off. No new testing will need to be completed.18-year-olds who have never held a driver's license may apply for a Full License as long as they provide: two forms of identification;
a Social Security card, if they have one; and proof they completed a Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education course.
Therefore, if a young driver adheres to Florida's zero tolerance for alcohol policy, and keeps their driving record free of any traffic convictions, they will be eligible for a Full Class E Driver's
License at age 18.
For more information check out
CSC-SADD: What do you think? Why do you think Florida created these laws for young drivers? How could the state better enforce Graduated Driver's License?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Today in my pyschology class we were talking about the brain. Apparently, the brain is a muscle and you must "use it or lose it." I don't really know why, but this little saying that my teacher said just stuck with me, and made me think. Is it really so hard for people to use their brain when they make a decision? If someone stops and thinks then there could be less of a chance of something bad happening. If something bad does happen, then essentially you could actually lose it (it being your brain or possibly worse.) "Use it or lose it" is my own personal quote of the day...for tonight.
CSC-SADD Making Progress as a TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Also we are getting in contact with other organizations so we can work with them and the community like they do and continue to spread the awareness of safe teen driving. One organization we are hoping to work with involves a group of teens with the common passion of working on cars. It would not only be interesting and experience-building for our team but it will also allow us to get more involved and possibly learn a thing-or-two about cars and how they roll - pun intended ;] -. It could be nice to know more about how they run on top of the damage they can cause.
Ready to rock n' roll,
Ashley <:p
Friday, March 20, 2009
dAHLiA :]
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ashley's Corner
This is generally a quote everyone can stand by. Everyone brings their own special flavor that they bring to the world. Everyone is different in so many ways and people see in magazines and on tv the "latest trends" but in reality, everyone just takes what they like and makes it their own. Our SADD group is unique and we all have our special qualities that we bring to make things great. This is what I get out of this quote.
Being thoughtful,
Ashley ☻
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ashley's Corner
We are working towards getting into contact with people. It is the ninth day since this top 20 competition has begun and we are working to set things into action. It's tiresome calling and scheduling but in the end it will be worth it in so many ways. I look forward to getting "out in the field" to tell our community about the many importances of being safe behind the wheel. It just feels nice to be involved especially in something that nearly everyone can relate to since people need cars to get around.
Ready for bed though,
Ashley ZzZzZ
Proud SADD Member Adrienne
In pervious blog I spoke about a car crash that I had witness. That crash had really stirred up some thoughts in my mind since then. I was wondering how could that crash have been prevented? What was the cause of the crash in the first place? was it that the music was up loud and they miss the warning or where they speeding to catch the light before it turned red? All i know is they where very lucky to come out that sisutation without even a mark on their skin. I am just hoping they will learn from this and make a better decison the next time.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Joeyism's Bloggism
Its Joeyism here, Hope everyone had a complete awesome weekend!
I know i did! I attended by BEST friends sweet 16 part this past Saturday (Ashley) and we had the best time sharing the fun and joy with our closest friends, partying till 12:30 A.M.! Yet as Ashley said in her blog, there was NO alcohol nor drugs to make this night so eventful and amazing. Supposedly, according to many people I'm a good dancer, I have No clue how people see be as a great dancer but they do, and i was able to stay on my own two feet and remember every second of it without be intoxicated. Anyways, Now that I shared a bit of my experience of Ashley's party I will begin tonight's Blog.
As stated by Dale Carnegie, "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
I would like to start by saying, Yes our SADD team has hit the bump in the road but that will NOT stop us from trying out hardest to succeed our goal, because that bump is actually a ditch, and with a little push, by working together as a team and family, we will accelerate right out of the ditch and continue onto the road to our goals. Every organization, company, etc. has something to block there view of the other side to a brighter pathway, but it is all about overcoming this block, or traffic, and finding an alternate route around to make it all work. CSCS SADD as a family, wont let each other down! We will know which detour to take to the best way out, And out of all of this the outcome will have made us stronger in the process. You can do anything if you believe in yourself, Live every day to the fullest, don't let the little worries in life darken the Best moments to Cherish. I think for anyone who has hit a bump in the road or even felt pain or sorrow should be introduced to the wise thoughts of Randy Pausch, A man who spoke wise words. This man looked death in the eye and did not let it stop him from living his life to the fullest and accomplishing his goals and childhood dreams! This man is a hero to anyone who has given up hope, a hero to people who believe in anything, and a hero to his family. I bring this statement up because i think by the viewers watching this you will no longer fear that bump in the road but overcome it as it opens new doors for you to walk through.
Joeyism signing out in 5.....4....3...2..1....Night :)
Ashley's Corner
~~Tonights Quote!:"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."-- Dale Carnegie~~
That is going to be our A.O.L members! We may have hit a speed bump-total pun inteded :]-but we are not giving up! Right now making schedules fit, and getting information from people seems to be the big issue. However, our group is going to stand by this quote as said by Dale, and we are going to keep on trying and not let it stop us even if some things seem out of our reach. Speaking of this reminds me of a poster in one of my classrooms. It's a picture of space and it says in giant letters "Shoot for the sun, if you miss you'll land among the stars" We're going to be working toward the big goal of making the community, city, and state aware of traffic safety but if we do not completely succeed then we will at least have given our best shot and made many people aware and I believe that I can say this without a doubt.
Standing tall and proud,
Ashley ^_^
CSC-SADD Facing Challenges, Yet Still Persevering.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Ashley's Corner
Tonight I just wanted to share a little blurb about how happy I am. On saturday I had my Sweet Sixteen and it was a blast. The reason I mention this is because my party was super-duper and guess what; there was NO alcohol or drugs. This just goes to show that you can still have fun following the rules that keep us safe. It drives me crazy hearing about the "crazy and insane parties" where "she got so wasted" or "he got so high."
What happened to the good 'ol days where all you needed was music and some great friends to have a great time? Well, those days came back for me on saturday night and I was very happy.
Glowing with joy,
Ashley :]]
Proud SADD Member Adrienne
Today I witness a car crash with teens operating the car. I start to wonder how and why they end up in that mess. We need to spead the word of better driving and get other people to make a difference with their driving. So let get in gear to make that change.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Proud SADD Memeber Adrienne
Friday, March 13, 2009
Proud SADD Member Adrienne
Today I recieved my amazing SADD shirt. What make the shirt so different and amazing is I attend a school where we have to wear uniform so that shows you that everyone just about look the same in my school and the fact that I recieve this shirt that no one else but the memebers in SADD, really made a statement for me. It show you that I am different I don't try to be like everyone else even if its only a few people that are backing me up. That the same way all teen should look at driving. Try to be that person who goes against bad driving even if you only have a few to back you up.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Joeyism's Blogism
I hope you all are doing well. So tonight I am going to blog on something I received today in an email that I feel strongly about. In the email was a short description and a link to watch a "60 Minute" clip of last nights show. 60 Minutes aired the Drinking Age Debate last night. The debate was to lower the age of drinking from 21 to 18. I for one believe that this is appalling! Yes many of you will probably say that it is only a 3 year difference, but 3 years can make all the difference! I feel the need to say at age 18 MAJORITY of teens are not responsible. Though 18 is the age when you are legal for a lot of privileges, this should Not be one of them. If teens were given this opportunity to start drinking alcohol at age 18 it can become a uncontrollable habit, which could then turn into a health issue and effect your mind and body. I am all for having a good time and going with the flow, but without the use of alcohol, anyone can have a great time at parties or just hanging out without the use of alcohol. This can actually effect the minds of 18 year olds believe it or not, this is the time and age when you want to prepare for collage and a bright future. To start turning your vision into reality and directing your brain to the important factors in life, not focusing on how "good" alcohol makes you feel, or how its "cool" to be drinking it. Today I was bewildered, I was in my class talking to another student and we were talking about our sacrifices we gave up for lent (not to go into religion but this is what led to it) and she said she gave up fast food and it sucks bad, and I am like why? do you eat fast food often?, her response was "Not to often to eat it, but when I get completely drunk I want fast food". I don't even know if I was able to hold in my expression because how I felt at that point. I could not believe this was coming from this girl. And she is a senior, so there goes by point, that changing the drinking age will want to even encourage more students than now, to want to drink. This law is a negative effect on society! It will inspire many students to make drinking a part of their schedule, which will lead to high school alcoholics. America does not need its children killed, hospitalized, or Arrested due to DUI's and basically if this new law was to be passed, it would be like saying "HEY lets try and inspire our teens of America, GO GET DRUNK!". I do not see any reason why at this age drinking should be legal. The video also talked about A collage student named Gory who was challenged to a drinking challenge where he had to drink an extensive amount of alcohol. Gory was found in the morning passed out in the collage dorm where the party took place, friends called 911, when paramedics got there to check on Gordy, he was pronounced dead. Gordy died in the middle of the night due to alcohol poisoning. Why risk your health, Your future, Your life on alcohol, and wanting to drink at the age of 18. Keep our teens safe, it will not only effect them, but there friends and family also.
Below is the link of Video of the 60 Minute drinking age debate clip.
Joeyism, Out in 5....4....3...2..1....Night :)
Ashley's Corner
Today I plan on just giving my opinion on a quote that made me think.
~~Tonight's Quote!Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world! ---Joel Arthur Barker~~
I just love the flow of this quote, one's like this are always so wise sounding. I believe that it means that if we just keep thinking about something and don't do anything about it then it might as well be a dream. Since dreams only happen while we are sleeping and people don't take action if they're sleeping. And if we act without a vision or a plan of what we're doing then we might as well be sleeping since it's about as useful as thinking without acting. Of course if one were to combine the two then we could really do something to make an impact and possibly inspire others to do the same.
That's really what this project is about. So many people have ideas and plans but do nothing. Some many people do things without thinking them through. In SADD, we're the people that thinks and makes it happen. We're brining about the change. The kids that think but don't act are the silent ones need to realize if they keep quiet nothing will change for them. The ones that don't think things through need to understand they're just traveling through time and passing the days.
I believe I'm one of the people that has put the thinking and the acting together. In fact, all of the SADD members are that way. We have a plan to make the community more aware and we are working towards making it happen.
Ashley :]
Proud SADD Memeber Adrienne
I have a vision to help make the world, the street and our driving better. As you can see I have took the first step by joining a SADD and doing this Act Out Loud program with fellow peers that shares the same feelings. My main focus is what going to bring me one step closer to that vision.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ashley's Corner
I just feel the need to express my sudden burst of ambition I felt today.
While walking through the halls I overheard a conversation about how cool this person felt for speeding for fifteen minutes and not getting busted by the police. Automatically I just rolled my eyes but later in the day I thought about it and it frustrated me. Why is it that breaking the rules seems so appealing to people? Is it really so hard to follow a rule that's meant to be for your protection?
I'm so glad to be a part of this campaign because I believe that teens need to realize that that's what the rules our for: our protection. Some students just don't seem to grasp this concept. They also don't think about the consequences that will result from it and they could potentially hurt someone. It just drives me up the wall-no pun intended.
This is what brought on my ambition. For this project I really want to find a way to make sure that teen drivers and future drivers understand why the rules are there and what the consequences are if said rules are not followed. I hope to stop the conversations about "oh dude it was awesome, I was like going 30 over for like fifteen minutes and wasn't pulled over once!"
I find it to be a sick conversation to take part in, and even more flithy to feel proud of doing it.
Calming down,
Ashley :p
---ps. In better news, today a lovely meeting was held with SADD. We discussed Ghost Out and our shirts and possible video ideas which, of course, being a multimedia girl I enjoyed. I can't wait to get started on turning our brainstormed ideas into full-fledged masterpieces. It's going to be super-duper darlings!! ... So watch out ;]
A day in SADD's Shoes....
Proud SADD Memeber Adrienne
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Proud SADD Memeber Adrienne
I have been involved with some activities with SADD since last year and I really love the experience. I consider my self a leader and I felt that this is the perfect starting point to make a different and lead my peers to making better and safer life choice. I have always wanted to make a positive impact in someone's life in some way & I know our projects will be the way to do it.
The quote Ms. Dallas wrote from Eleanor Roosevelt, gave me a moment to think about my life & where I want to be. This quote really touch me in so many ways. I am at a point in my life where I am searching for my identity. I do believe that you gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience. I have witness a lot of situations that have brought me to understand that we as teens have to control of our lives by making the best choices possible. I have been in car crashes and could I have lost my life. I am thankful for all my 17+ years of experience because I am here now telling my story to make a difference & make an impact in someones life in some way even if it takes my whole life doing it.
hey everyone.. My names Demie (pronounced Demia). I know it's spelled totally different then it's pronounced. Well I'm supposed to make this personal so here I go. I just turned 18 in January and I'm a Senior 2009!!!. I am now and always will be a Coral Spring Charter student and have been there since 6Th grade. (So ready to graduate :) I have been a member of CSCS SADD chapter for 3 years and love every minute of it. This year I am President and could not be any happier with my sponsor Ms. Dallas or my team members. We have already achieved so much and I can't wait to come back in see the progress our SADD chapter has come.
CSCS -SADD gaining strength, courage, and confidence, while giving back to the community one project at a time.
To me this quote can mean many things, but the one concept that stands out the most would have to be that everyday you are faced with many obstacles from small things such as getting up in the morning and dealing with the events of the day good or bad or even the bigger things like speeding, running a red light, or wearing a seat belt. Each one of us have a different retrospect on what we think are important things or non-important things. Either way every obstacle that overcome you are gaining strength, and whether you have realized it or not it takes strength, courage, and confidence to overcome and obstacle. Now I am going to start the tradition of my favorite quote.
"It's not about finding the perfect moment but finding the imperfect moment perfect, so LIVE LAUGH and LEARN, stay true to yourself and don't let your voice go unheard"- Anonymous
Ashley's Corner
Being that this is my first of many blogs I just want to mention a small blip about myself. I'm a proud Panther at Coral Springs Charter and feel so empowered to be a part of this team; Students Against Destructive Decisions. Being a highschooler I am presented with important decisions to make everyday. I feel SADD is right for me because I will not be persuaded into the temptations of drugs or alcohol or anything that will hurt me or other people. I hope to be able to convince others to choose the wiser, safer path when they too are presented with these important decisions. My position within SADD is public relations aka the PR. I like to get information out there to people through my videos, posters, and my honest opinions. Now for a little less formal information: I really like this color purple (just thought I'd throw that out there) and as I mentioned, I make videos. It's a passion that I've had since before I even got my first video camera and people say that I just have a "natural flare" for making videos. I love to entertain and be able to see an idea in my head and be able to make it come alive through filming and editing it until it is a masterpiece.
~~Tonight's Quote!...CSCS -SADD gaining strength, courage, and confidence, while giving back to the community one project at a time.~~
I believe this is a quote that all the members of SADD in my school, in my community, state, nation can put faith in. The students of Coral Springs Charter that make up our SADD team are all individuals with our own special qualities that together create an industrucable force of good decisions and ambition. We gain our strength, courage, and confidence from our daily lives and build on it when we are one. Giving back to the community is not only a goal but another thing that makes us role models for other people. For me personally, I get a great sense of pride that the younger generation can witness what we do because they can learn from us and follow in our footsteps.
Yours truly,
Ashley :]
known as Joeyism
I'm thrilled to be able to share my first blogging experience for this project with My name is Joseph, but my friends call me Joey, J, Joe. My signature is Joeyism, it is what I like to go by. So as time goes by you will see that in my blogs I post they will say my name I go by, which is Joeyism. Well here is a little about Joeyism's life. I just recently turned 17 on March 4th. I am a sophomore that walks the halls of Coral Springs Charter. Class of 2011! I am a Floridian by heart! I love the weather and the atmosphere. I am SADD Vice President and I love every minute of it. I believe everything happens for a reason and that you have to loose something to gain something and, you have to let go to start a better begining. Now with that I will conclude this blog with tonight's quote:
CSCS -SADD gaining strength, courage, and confidence, while giving back to the community one project at a time.
In my opinion I think this quote can mean a variety of things and for everyone it means something specific to that person. For me I believe that since I have joined SADD and also have become Vice President, I have gained so much strength and courage and knowledge to become who I really want to be, to voice my thoughts and feelings and to stand up for what I believe in. I held back so many feelings before, at night I would cry because of the destructive decisions my friends and other people I knew choose. I would want to help them and wouldn't know how or even what to say or think. I would go day by day smiling and walking in the hall passing face by face knowing how much it hurt but I couldn't let them see the pain, then Ms. Dallas encouraged me to join SADD and that's where my journey began. It has made me want to become something much bigger then what I could every imagine. Every good organization, school, job, community needs a Ms. Dallas that will lead you in the right path and never leave you behind. We can do whatever our hearts desire, not only as a SADD organization but as indivisuals, as long as we believe we can and we try our hardest to reach that goal any opportunity is in our reach.
Monday, March 9, 2009
CSCS -SADD gaining strength, courage, and confidence, while giving back to the community one project at a time.
The Coral Springs Charter School (CSCS)- is located in beautiful South Florida in Broward County. Twenty (20) miles NW of Ft. Lauderdale and Thirty-four (34) miles N of Miami-Dade. ,
CSCS is a middle and high school serving 1591 students in grades 6-12, with a total of 39 high school SADD members.
CSCS SADD members are dedicated to bring education, awareness, & prevention to our community, by addressing the concerns of Teen Traffic Safety. We are aware that educating and promoting safe teen driving to our community, will help lower crash rates and save lives not just during the significant times of Spring Break, Prom, or summer, but year round. Our goal for National Youth Safety Month is to inspire, motivate, & encourage the teens of today to be safe and responsible drivers of tomorrow.
Objective: CSCS SADD projects are detailed peer-led traffic safety projects that involve the school as well as the community; to increase the awareness and understanding of the imperativeness of traffic safety, in an effort to impact the decisions of young drivers.
SADD Goal For Act Oct Loud is:
- To increase student’s /community knowledge and understanding of responsible decision making in regard to traffic safety.
- Initiate programming that are appropriate for our school that will motivate, encourage, and attract the attention of our students in Coral Springs.
- Attain signed pledge cards from at least 60% of our student population.
- Raise funds to donate to a local agency the focuses on the well being of children in need.
As affirmed by Eleanor Roosevelt, " You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."