Coral Springs Final Video

Monday, March 9, 2009

CSCS -SADD gaining strength, courage, and confidence, while giving back to the community one project at a time.

The Coral Springs Charter School (CSCS)- is located in beautiful South Florida in Broward County. Twenty (20) miles NW of Ft. Lauderdale and Thirty-four (34) miles N of Miami-Dade. ,

CSCS is a middle and high school serving 1591 students in grades 6-12, with a total of 39 high school SADD members.

CSCS SADD members are dedicated to bring education, awareness, & prevention to our community, by addressing the concerns of Teen Traffic Safety. We are aware that educating and promoting safe teen driving to our community, will help lower crash rates and save lives not just during the significant times of Spring Break, Prom, or summer, but year round. Our goal for National Youth Safety Month is to inspire, motivate, & encourage the teens of today to be safe and responsible drivers of tomorrow.

Objective: CSCS SADD projects are detailed peer-led traffic safety projects that involve the school as well as the community; to increase the awareness and understanding of the imperativeness of traffic safety, in an effort to impact the decisions of young drivers.

SADD Goal For Act Oct Loud is:

  • To increase student’s /community knowledge and understanding of responsible decision making in regard to traffic safety.

  • Initiate programming that are appropriate for our school that will motivate, encourage, and attract the attention of our students in Coral Springs.

  • Attain signed pledge cards from at least 60% of our student population.

  • Raise funds to donate to a local agency the focuses on the well being of children in need.

As affirmed by Eleanor Roosevelt, " You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."

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